NJ Tree and Lawn Care Services by Plant Solutions:

Mosquito Control & Spraying Services in Central New Jersey
Plant Solutions NJ provides mosquito spraying services because no one likes the idea of being bitten by mosquitoes, midges or gnats. Climate conditions, especially in New Jersey are becoming increasingly more hospitable to mosquitoes. Bites are irritating and although not as painful as being stung, mosquito bites are very itchy causing a lot of discomfort. There are more than 30 native mosquito species in the New Jersey, some of which bite, such as Culex molestus and others like Culex pipiens that are just a general nuisance and do not carry disease. However there are those that do in the state of New Jersey that can threaten human life.
Last year in 2020:
Mosquitoes from 365 pools tested positive for West Nile virus. This is down significantly from 2019 when 1,325 pools sampled were found to contain mosquitoes with West Nile virus.
In New Jersey, 203,146 mosquitoes collected from more than 10,000 pools were tested for viruses. Of those, 73 pools across 13 counties had mosquitoes that carried the EEE virus. That was higher than the previous six years.
Eight people in New Jersey tested positive for West Nile virus, and seven of them required an average of 10 days hospitalization, according to the state Department of Health. While most people infected with West Nile Virus show no symptoms, about 1 in 150 people with the infection develop serious, and sometimes fatal, symptoms, according to the CDC.
Mosquito control tips
When you reduce the opportunities of being bitten by mosquitoes, you greatly reduce the chances of irritation from mosquito bites, possible allergic reactions, and secondary infections from scratching. Here are some simple tips:

Limit breeding opportunities inside your home
Remove stagnant or standing water in plant pots, vases etc. Prevent mosquitos from coming inside your home by installing insect screens to windows and doors.
Be vigilant about stagnant or still water outside of your home
Check areas such as gutters for blockages that could leave pools of stagnant water or dregs in watering cans, over watered plant pots, outside pet water bowls, even paddling pools. Cover water butts with tight-fitting lids to prevent mosquito larvae. If you have a pond, try adding goldfish who will eat the mosquito larvae.
Use certain plants to ward off mosquitoes
Plants like citronella grass, lavender, and cat nip when placed close to gathering areas can help keep mosquitos away from you and your guests. Plus, who doesn't love the calming smell of lavender?!
Understanding mosquito behavior - Frequently asked questions (FAQs)