We’re about to tell you the absolute best kept secret for an amazing lawn that most lawn professionals may not want you to know. Why don’t a lot of us want you to know this secret? Because it has the potential to place some of the power of producing a lust-after lawn in the homeowner’s own hands.
No more waiting, what’s the secret to a beautiful, lush, green lawn?
Topdressing with compost. Yes, as simple as that! “Topdressing” basically means scattering a material—compost, in this case—lightly over a surface. More importantly, the compost you choose to apply doesn’t have to be the stinky, clumpy cow manure-base stuff. But we’ll get to that in a minute.
Using compost as an addition to your typical four-times-a-year fertilizing schedule can help take your lawn from pretty good looking to OMG ah-mazing. And here’s why:
Nutrients in the compost leach into the root zone of the lawn slowly over time, adding much-needed supplemental nutrition to that provided by the traditional fertilizers.
Compost helps to hold water and air in the root zone. This provides the millions of grass plants in a lawn with an optimal grow zone. The more water and air available, the better the lawn will grow.
Adding compost is the environmentally friendly thing to do. Any time you can lessen the amount of commercially produced fertilizer you put on a lawn, the better it is for the water supply and for your family, too (Fido included!).
All those nutrients from a layer of compost help the lawn become a beautiful sea of green. Your lawn will look and feel spectacular early in the spring through late in the fall.
Another benefit of adding compost to a lawn is that it creates a softer, loftier surface to walk on. No more hard and dense lawn. It’s time to enjoy a stroll through the grass!
Our new compost topdressing service
We are now providing compost topdressing services, which entails applying a proprietary blend of composted mushrooms and additional ingredients to your lawn in spring with a secondary smattering of compost in the fall, if needed. We recommend applying the compost blend at a rate of 2 cu.ft. pile of compost every 6 ft. on the lawn and then spreading it at the beginning of the growing season. As the grass begins to grow in spring, it’ll receive all the goodness that the mushroom compost is releasing into the soil. And soon, your pretty alright lawn will turn into the envy of the neighborhood.